About all those particles some people invented: its just frecuency (for light its speed) it never stoped being light... (its implicit in formulas)
If you consider we are light too we are already traveling at C (299792458) and light at 2C and from there light has frecuency for us. (we are 1hz light 2hz but we dont move to us and light then is 1hz)
Electrons are just protons with other frecuency so that table got it all wrong.
electron, proton and photon operated as electrical energy are the same producing same amount of energy...
Photon in eV=4,13466777*10^−15 divided by Planck=6,62607014*10^−34 produces :6,24 10^18 J that is the constant of (J per eV)
As speed beyond C is frecuency you can use 550 nm wavelenght
divide 299792458 (1hz for light) by 0,0000055 and get its frecuency in hz : 545.077.196.363.636,3636 hz
Table (in meters) (calculated) (expected)
If you take the mass of proton (ion of protio isotope of hidrogen) using uma "u" or mol per gram and calculate the ebergy (e=mC^2):
0,00100794 kg * 299792458^2 m/s = 90.589.129.485.599 joules
dividing by avogradro number (6,02214 × 10^23) number of atoms in a mol of a sustance.
each proton generated: 1,50426808×10^−10 J
(J) Joules = 6.241506×10^18 (eV) Ev (jolues to eV constant)
eV for 1 proton using (W=V×A)
1,50426808×10^−10 × W (J) × 6,241506E18×10^18 (eV)
940.394.092,77285 eV
A= 1,50426808×10^−10 W ÷ 940.394.092,77285 eV
= 1,59961456×10^−19 A
1W = 1V × 1A
1V = 1 ÷ 1,59961456×10^−19
6,25150599×10^+18 Joules per proton
for (e-) electron is
"1 J = 6.241506×10^18 (eV)"
"1 eV = 1,6021774232052328396383821468729×10^-19 J"
so the proton´s mass generates 1/1eV in joules or 1ev^-1
acording to quatum phisics electron is a fundamental particle and proton is composed by 3
Quarks (so its a lie)
Those particles are the same thing but with diferent frecuency.
and I dont needed a large hadron collider

Its all energy with frecuency that can manifest in many things. you can operate with electricity to convert from one kind of energy to another with: e=mC^2, Planck, Avogradro's number, and other basic stuff...
Those particles are frecuencies what people measure its allways energy and frecuency,
also energy doenst flow by wires but thats another story
Light is always 299792458 in vacumm cos in matter it slows acording to its frecuency (real speed)
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